You cannot see, smell, or taste Radon, but it still may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing Radon, you increase your risk of developing lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General of the United States (U.S.) has warned that Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. today.

Selling a Home

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that you test your home for Radon before putting it on the market and, if necessary, lower your Radon levels. Save the test results and all information you have about steps that were taken to fix any problems. This could be a positive selling point.

Buying a Home

The EPA recommends that you know what the indoor Radon level is in any home you consider buying. Ask the seller for their Radon test results. If the home has not yet been tested for Radon, you should have the house tested.

For a new home, ask if Radon-resistant construction features were used and if the home has been tested.

If the home has a Radon-reduction system, ask the seller for any information they have about the system.

Further Information

New Jersey now requires duplicate radon testing in every real estate transaction for detection devices other than CRMs.

For more in depth information on Radon, the EPA has detailed information on their website at

Schedule Your Test